IndustrialCraft² - Cable Loss Calculator

EU/t Blocks
EU Packet Size Glass Fibre Cable Tin Cable Copper Cable Copper Cable 1" Gold Cable Gold Cable 1" Gold Cable 2" HV Cable HV Cable 1" HV Cable 2" HV Cable 3" Packet Count
EU/b 0.025 0.025 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.45 0.4 1.0 0.95 0.9 0.8 -
1 EU
32 EU -
128 EU - - -
512 EU - - - - - -
2048 EU - - - - - - -
EU/b*l -

- Info and explanations.

- Results in the cable section are depending on the input:
  There are 3 modes.
  Entering only EU/t
  Entering only length
  Entering both EU/t and length

- Turquoise color indicates that there's no loss because the cable is too short or that it's below 0.000.
  This is because IndustrialCraft rounds down the cable loss.

- Green color indicates the optimal EU-Package/cable combination for the entered EU/t.
  Blue combinations are even better of course.

- Orange color and red color indicates sub-optimal EU-Packages.

The custom EU-Packet row is an exception. It shows all results and disregards voltage/package-size limits.
Reminder: Every EU-Packet created is always filled up with EU. This means that an 128 EU-Packet contains 128 EU.
The Packet Count display shows how many packets travel per tick. If it's under one, a packet will travel only every now and then.

Version 1.03 - By Lomsor - Compatible with IC² version 1.337